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Experience what 365Talents has to offer


Are you looking to fill your company's skill gaps, identify future key competencies, and become a central stakeholder for your company's business strategy? Well, you've come to the right place!

Get started today by meeting with an HR transformation expert and learning about the 365Talents approach. During your demo, you will:

  • Learn how an AI-powered, skills-focused approach can accelerate your business.
  • Dive into the power of skills intelligence and how it can optimize your workforce.
  • Discern how innovative talent management can promote career development.
  • Explore success stories in industries and companies just like yours.
  • Discover what it means to chart a new course for your people at work!

Talk to an expert today

Skills statistics 365Talents

Got skills on your mind?

Are you tired of Excel spreadsheets consuming all your time? Is the lack of communication between your current HR tools draining more resources than necessary? Meet with one of our HR transformation experts and discover how 365Talents uses a skills-based approach paired with world class artificial intelligence and extensive software integration capabilities.

Learn how our innovative solution transforms talent management by mapping your company's skills to promote internal mobility, facilitate career path development, and provide strategic insights for your workforce planning– all without the hassle of Excel or adding new tech to your stack.

Talent Marketplace 365Talents

A solution for everyone

365Talents is a solution for everyone: your people, your managers, and your HR.

Our innovative approach is dynamic and updates your data in real-time, allowing employees to declare themselves in their own words and on their own terms, and our AI will connect those skills with opportunities. At the same time, managers will be able to understand the capabilities of their team, find the perfect fit for their latest gig and foster a better day-to-day talent experience.

Our technology erases the headaches of time-consuming tasks like skills mapping and job frameworks and lets your HR specialists get back to what matters most: Your people.

Clients 365Talents

Specifically designed for enterprise

365Talents specializes in large scale deployments. Whether your HR project consists of 10.000 employees or over 100.000 employees, we've got you covered.

Our clients, such as Veolia, Societe Generale and Segula, have all the experience and success to prove it. With our exceptional activation rates– such as 82% at BearingPoint, and a 100% successful deployment rate across all clients– such as 150.000 employees in one day at SNCF, you'll be able to measure the impact and ROI of your HR strategy in as little as 7 months.

Implement your project in as little as 4 weeks with comprehensive, hands-on support from our customer success team.

Real-time skills mapping 365Talents

Dynamic real-time skills mapping

You need a skills framework as unique as your company.

Using a generic industry skills framework is not enough to gain a competitive advantage. 365Talents leverages talent-first AI to capture, organize and update a personalized framework for your people, your skills and your future– all in real-time.

With 365Talents, your skills map self-updates with data from HRIS, LinkedIn and employee skills inputs, increasing engagement rates and allowing for an always-on view of your people's skills, ambitions and potential. Get ahead of the competition with strategic, up-to-date skills data and insights.

Don't take our word for it

Societe Generale
logo allianz client 365Talents
For several years, 365Talents has allowed us to master our  skills cartography and offer our employees a simple and collaborative solution. They now discover mobility opportunities that they would never have known about before — Charlotte Guy-Duquesne, HR Development, Talent Management and Diversity.
6 weeks

to deploy the 365Talents solution. Optimize your talent experience and create a new world of opportunities.

EY logo client
Today, this platform is indispensable and it's clearly indicated in the 10 commandments of our onboarding program! Let's be clear, if a consultant wants to be visible and staffed on a client assignment, they must be on the platform. — Anne-Gaelle Venuat, Associate Partner.
74% activation

Achieve a +74% activation rate and encourage new career paths, like EY with their 2,000 consultants in the platform.

societe generale 365talents
Thanks to 365Talents, we offer our employees personalized HR services to help them to become the drivers of their own career by helping them value, reflect and develop the skills of tomorrow. — Quitterie de Fonbrune, Head of Strategic Workforce Planning.
78,000 employees

Easily manage your skills at scale like Societe Generale with with nearly 80,000 employees.

See how 365Talents is redefining talent experience

European Undisputed Leader

365Talents is the undisputed leader of the Enterprise skills tech market in Europe, based on extensive experience and proven track record in deploying scalable solutions for global enterprise companies. We specialize in delivering bespoke solutions that precisely align with each client’s unique requirements and corporate culture with 100% successful deployments.

Best AI & Skills Intelligence

365Talents advanced AI expertise combines an Internal Talent Marketplace and Skills Intelligence, seamlessly integrated via API. This empowers organizations to create tailored and dynamic skills frameworks, enabling employees to self-declare their skills while providing a personalized experience for users and value 100% of the talents in your company.

Multilingual HR Solutions

365Talents provides a seamless and smart experiences on 45+ languages, which is unique to the industry. We are the only solution that provides this capacity, thanks to our AI that organizes translations and shares smart skills plus smart matching suggestions in all languages. Promote a more inclusive talent experience into the common language of your organization.

Most Integrated Platform

365Talents sets the standard for integration excellence, with 100+ integrations across core HR systems, ATS, LMS, BI tools, assessment platforms, and more. We prioritize customization to meet client-specific needs, ensuring skills interoperability and harmonization across your technology stack through a common skills framework, adapted to your own vocabulary.

Ready to meet with us?

365Talents goes beyond traditional approaches, offering more than just technology. We don't just manage skills, we make the entire process seamless, effective, and enjoyable. Our AI-driven decentralized Talent Experience platform allows you to have full visibility of your team's skills as well as real-time insights into your workforce's competency status so you can have the strategic tools to implement your HR projects aligned with your business goals.

Book your demo today to:

  • Learn about the power of skills intelligence and proprietary skills-focused AI algorithms that allows organizations like yours to optimize their workforce.
  • Discover how a skills-based and employee-centric approach can accelerate your business and boost your employee engagement (plus retention!).
  • Explore use cases and success stories in a large range of industries, and study their unique applications to talent management, generative AI, internal mobility, career pathing, and more.
  • Receive the answers to all your questions about what it means to be a skills-based organization!

Enhance your employee experience today in order to create better skills, better careers, and better business.

Book your demo

Get on board with an award-winning solution

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Skills Management is more than a task – it's a journey, and we're here to make it extraordinary.