Built to help you chart a new course your people
Whether for internal missions or missions to external clients, identify your experts in a few clicks and mobilize the best profiles for each project.
Build a future-proof workforce
Using a generic industry skills framework is not enough to gain a competitive advantage. 365Talents leverages talent-first AI to capture, organize and update a personalized framework for your people, your skills and your future.
Staff opportunities smarter & faster
A culture of internal mobility increases retention, loses less talent and saves significant recruitment costs. 365Talents boosts mobility by pushing smart suggestions, increasing visibility and generating better applicants.
Increase employee engagement & loyalty
HR challenges are vast, but nearly every solution shares a common catalyst: Employee engagement. 365Talents offers a talent experience that makes your people feel involved, invested and empowered in your company's growth.R
Upskill and reskill your people for the future
Upskilling and reskilling are top of your to-do list, but training uptake can be a challenge. 365Talents empowers your people to own their career path, anticipating their skill development needs and suggesting relevant resources.
Envision new career paths & unlock talent potential
We don't believe that the only way is up. 365Talents supports and empowers your employees to be in the driver’s seat of their development and chart personalized career paths suited to their goals, experience and interests.
Break silos and increase diversity
It's time for a more democratized world of work. 365Talents' bias-fighting AI provides all employees with visibility and access to opportunities and skill-building trainings that make promotions and mobility a reality.
Act on skills analytics & strategic workforce planning
Strategic workforce planning is key to solving the HR challenges of today and tomorrow. 365Talents’ skills analytics provide unparalleled visibility on your people’s expertise and interests so you can optimize for today and plan confidently for the future.
Why 365Talents?
Forget the repositories that require 6 months of work. With the power of our Artificial Intelligence, speed up your HR processes and obtain your skills and professions repositories in record time.
Smart Skill Detection & Suggestion
Whatever the source, the language, from the analysis of data from an HR or business tool, build an open and dynamic skills repository
A smart and automated solution
The power of artificial intelligence applied to your HR data allows you to effectively identify your skills and jobs.
A support personalized
We provide you with our HR and technical expertise to help you achieve your strategic objectives.