Case Study

How Societe Generale transformed career development by centering skills

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In the midst of a transformation phase and in search of a solution centered on the employee and allowing for a dynamic skills repository, Societe Generale chose 365Talents to manage the development of its Talents in order to:

  1. Map internal skills
  2. Strengthen the employability of employees
  3. Boost internal mobility


Societe Generale, leading European bank, chose 365Talents to serve HR innovation needs and address the following objectives:

  • Personalized employee paths
  • Career development and employability improvement
  • Automated skills mapping set-up for mobility


A platform deployed throughout the group with more than 30 countries (including Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, India, Romania, Singapore and many others) and nearly 80,000 employees

A strong commitment from all internal entities with local management support, a high rate of employee adoption and the involvement of HR

“Thanks to 365Talents, we are offering our employees personalized HR services based on their skills, so that they are involved in their own professional project, by helping them value themselves, think, and develop the skills of tomorrow. This will help us fluidify the internal job market and reinforce our will to be fully transparent.” - Cristèle Pernoud, Corporate Strategic Workforce Planning Lead
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