Prove the value of your HR tech solutions today

Visualize your success with the 365Talents ROI Calculator

You already know how central skills are to HR, but have you reserved a line-item in your budget for skills tech? It's essential to many of the profound changes in the world of work. 

Skills Tech includes all digital HR solutions that are revolutionizing skills management. It's also one of the most efficient approaches for your bottom-line — especially in cross-functional areas.

Being a solution that makes perfect sense for your HR budget, we’ve created a special ROI calculator just for you, to see the forecasted impact when exploring your skills tech options.

365Talents ROI Calculator for HR

Access the HR ROI Calculator

Skills Tech, skills-based or skills-first technology, enables companies to identify, develop and retain talent. More than just a category of platform, it is a new way of looking at skills data.

If previously skills management was more of an obligation than a need, today it is an indispensable brick in the long-term competitiveness of companies

Discover the 365Talents ROI Calculator and simulate the outcomes for a variety of HR projects.

You'll be able to visualize how much you can save on:

  • Internal mobility projects 
  • Project staffing 
  • HR productivity 
  • Employee retention 
  • and much more! 

Start measuring and predicting your ROI today!

Measure your ROI & simulate your KPIs

Graphs from ROI Calculator

Get started: Discover the ROI calculator

Check out our ROI calculator and simulate the business impact you can make for a variety of skills-driven use cases. This calculator is designed to make your work just a little bit easier!
Remeber, skills-based organizations and strategy are the present and the future; skills tech is the skills-based technology you need to act efficiently. 

What they achieved

+19 000
Opportunities consulted at Societe Generale each month

logo societe generale client 365Talents

+68 000
Skills Declared at Veolia

logo veolia client 365Talents

profiles activated at Schlumberger

slb client

36 000
Opportunites consulted at Eiffage since the launch of the project

gem gem gem gem

Dive into the Calculator, engage employees and improve productivity!

KPIs of an HR revolution

weeks from launch to impact

platform launch onboarding and impact in as few as 6 weeks.

decrease in employee turnover

on average across 365Talents' clients.

increase in internal mobility

on average across 365Talents' clients.

decrease in outsourced projects

on average across 365Talents' clients.

saved in solution costs

on average to implement 365Talents vs. competitive solutions.

saved in employee replacement

on average for a 10K employee company.

saved in external recruitment

on average for a 10K employees company

increase in employee engagement

on average accross 365Talents' clients


What is 365Talents?

365Talents is an AI-driven decentralized talent experience solution that gives you control of your company's skills, and allows you to launch your projects with speed and technological adaptability. With 100% successful deployments under 8 weeks time, you'll have full visibility of your company's skills with unparalled velocity.

How can we help you maximizes profits?

  • Decrease employee turnover - The average company of 10K employees can save €4 million in employee replacement costs.
  • Increase internal mobility - The average company of 10K employees can save €1 million in external recruitment fees.
  • Decrease outsourced projects - The average company of 10K employees can save €1 million in external project staffing costs.
  • Optimize budget and time-to-impact - The average cost to implement 365Talents vs. competitors saves €50-150,000 in solution costs.

Access the ROI Calculator Today!